الجنس : مساهماتى : 4932 النقاط : 5793 معدل التقييم : 71 الأوسمة :
sms :
| موضوع: شرح طريقه عمل سيرفر تهيس على كونكر اون لاين .. حصرياً وبإنفراد تام ع المنسى وبس الإثنين 11 مايو - 17:54:35 | |
| شرح طريقه عمل سيرفر تهيس على كونكر ( الموضوع الرسمى ) لكيفية عمل سيرفر تهييس
..Download Thats Files First..
Appserv Download ضع رد حتى يظهر الرابط التحميل
Navicat Mysql Download ضع رد حتى يظهر الرابط التحميل
Client 5017 Download ضع رد حتى يظهر الرابط التحميل
Source Download ضع رد حتى يظهر الرابط التحميل
open this ports with your router 9958 and 9960 ,close firewalls/windows firewall/and if u have antivirus close the firewall of it
الفيديو اهو لكيفية عمل سيرفر تهييس https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAM_gUPqwlU
installing appserv ServerName: localhost
Password: any password,dont forget it
installing:navicat mysql
open it and press next and install
extract:PowerSource files
now how to make it :
now go to navicat mysql open it and press Trial now u see on see left side connections press on localhost press right click on it and press new database write in name database this (coproj) and in character set (utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicode) and in collation (utf8_general_ci) and press ok now u make the new data base click on coproj and right click on it and press execute batch file and use (powerbackup.sql) u will find it in PowerSource files and when it finished and press close not start now go to table accounts and make for u acc type ur acc id and dont write ur pass word it will be save on ur first login type in logon type (2) and dont write in logon count and write in status (8) for GM or PM and (7) for player and dont close mysql and go to ur source open PowerSource CO\COServerProject1\COServerProject\bin\ Debug and open config.ini
ServerIP:ur ip address
XPRate=what u need of rate
ProfXPRate=what u need of rate
DBUserName = "root"
DBUserPass = "ur password when u use it on appserv"
and save it and open PowerSourceCO.exe
now ur server online but u need to play go to the client 5017 and edit server.dat and type ur server ip and close and save and open ur conquer and play
Commands:Player Commands: /quest /dc GM Commands: /recall /goto /c /xp /changename /skill /model /info /item /clearpkp /kick /ban /scroll /effect /level /job /prof /silvers /cps /killmap /help /dc PH Commands: /level /skill /job /prof /silvers /cps /info /changename /recall /goto /dc /scroll /help
PROF COMMAND /prof 000 20 X=000,Boxing X=410,Blade X=420,Sword X=421,Backsword X=430,Hook X=440,Whip X=441,Mace X=450,Axe X=460,Hammer X=480,Club X=481,Scepter X=490,Dagger X=510,Glaive X=530,Poleaxe X=540,LongHammer X=560,Spear X=561,Wand X=562,Pickaxe X=580,Halberd X=500,Bow
SKILL 1000 Thunder 4 1001 Fire 3 1002 Tornado 3 1005 Cure 4 1010 Lightning 0 1015 Accuracy 0 1020 Shield 0 1025 Superman 0 1030 Thunder don't work for me 1050 Revive 0 1040 Roar 0 1055 HealingRain 3 1060 Summon don't work for me 1075 Invisibility 4 1045 FastBlade 4 1046 ScentSword 4 1085 StarofAccuracy 4 1090 MagicShield 4 1095 Stigma 4 1100 Pray 0 1110 Cyclone 0 1105 Restore ( does not work ) 1115 Hercules 4 1120 FireCircle 3 1120 FireArista 3 1120 Blaze 3 1120 Inferno 3 1125 Volcano 0 1150 FireRing 7 1150 FireBall 7 1150 FireBall 7 1165 FireofHell 3 1160 Bomb 3 1051 Dash 0 1021 Fortress ( does not work ) 1175 AdvancedCure 4 1170 Nectar 4 1180 FireMeteor 7 1190 SpiritHealing 2 1195 Meditation 2 1210 Disguise ( does not work ) 1220 Stun don't work for me 1230 Strike 9 3000 Fire don't work for me 1250 WideStrike 9 1260 SpeedGun 9 1270 Robot 7 1290 Penetration 9 1300 Halt 9 5040 Boom 9 5050 Boreas 9 1310 Binding 9 1320 FlyingMoon 2 1280 WaterElf 8 1360 NightDevil 4 1350 DivineHare 4 5010 Snow 9 5020 StrandedMonster 9 5001 SpeedLightning 9 5030 Phoenix 9 8000 RapidFire 5 8001 Scatter 5 8030 ArrowRain 0 8036 Guard`sSpell ( does not work ) 8002 XP Fly 8003 Advance Fly 1 to get 60 0 for 40 9000 Intensify 3 4000 SummonGuard 3 4010 SummonBat 3 4020 SummonBatBoss 3 4030 StandinBat 3 4040 BloodyBat 3 4060 FireEvil 3 4070 Skeleton 3 10200 Poison does work for me 10202 Meditation 2 10201 Cure same 7000 Seizer 9 7030 Celestial 9 7010 Earthquake 9 7020 Rage 9 7040 Roamer 9 3050 CruelShade ( does not work ) 3080 Dodge ( does not work ) 3060 Reflect ( does not work) 3090 Pervade 5 /item Super PhoenixJerkin 12 7 255 13 13
Desert = 1000, AncientMaze = 1001, //(MYSTIC CASTLE) TwinCity = 1002, Mine = 1003, Promotion = 1004, Arena = 1005, Stables = 1006, BirthVillage = 1010, PhoenixCastle = 1011, RebirthMap = 1012, HawkCave = 1013, BanditCave = 1014, BatCave = 1016, AdvanceZone = 1017, ApeMoutain = 1020, DesertCity = 1000, ReedIsland = 1015, //(BIRD ISLAND) DreamLand = 1012, KylinCave = 1016, TrainingGround = 1039, Market = 1036, Lottery = 700, Jail = 6000, GuildArea = 1038 grocery2 = 1009, mine01 = 1003, forum = 1004, horse = 1006, star01 = 1100, star02 = 1101, star03 = 1102, star04 = 1103, star05 = 1104, star10 = 1105, star06 = 1106, star07 = 1107, star08 = 1108, star09 = 1109, smith = 1007, ArmorColour = 1008, sky = 1012, warena = 1017, parena = 1018, larena = 1019, mine = 1021, brave = 1022, mineone = 1025, minetwo = 1026, minethree = 1027, minefour = 1028, mineone2 = 1029, minetwo2 = 1030, minethree2 = 1031, minefour2 = 1032, newbie2 = 1035, playground = 1039, mineone3 = 5000, factionblack = 1037, skycut = 1040, skymaze = 1041, prison2 = 6001, lineuppass = 1042, lineup = 1043, lineup2 = 1044, lineup3 = 1045, lineup4 = 1046, lineup5 = 1047, lineup6 = 1048, lineup7 = 1049, lineup8 = 1050, riskisland = 1051, skymaze1 = 1060, skymaze2 = 1061, skymaze3 = 1062, star = 1064, boa = 1070, parena1 = 1080, parena2 = 1081, newcanyon = 1075, MapleForest = 1076, newdesert = 1077, newisland = 1078, mysisland = 1079, riskisland1 = 1063, idlandmap = 1082, parenam = 1090, parenas = 1091, house01 = 1098, house03 = 1099, sanctuary = 1601, task01 = 1201, task02 = 1202, task04 = 1204, task05 = 1205, task07 = 1207, task08 = 1208, task10 = 1210, task11 = 1211, islandsnail = 1212, desertsnail = 1213, canyonfairy = 1214, woodsfairy = 1215, newplainfairy = 1216, minea = 1500, mineb = 1501, minec = 1502, mined = 1503, stask01 = 1351, stask02 = 1352, stask03 = 1353, stask04 = 1354, slpk = 1505, hhpk = 1506, blpk = 1507, ympk = 1508, mfpk = 1509, faction01 = 1550, faction012 = 1551, grocery3 = 1510, forum1 = 1511, tiger1 = 1512, jokul01 = 1615, tiemfiles = 1616, tiemfiles1 = 1617, Dgate = 2021, Dsquare = 2022, Dcloister = 2023, Dsigil = 2024, cordiform = 1645, faction2 = 1560, faction3 = 1561, forum2 = 1707, Gulf = 1700, BotJail = 6001, Dis City = 2039,
Job IDs: 10,InternTrojan 11,Trojan 12,VeteranTrojan 13,TigerTrojan 14,DragonTrojan 15,TrojanMaster 20,InternWarrior 21,Warrior 22,BrassWarrior 23,SilverWarrior 24,GoldWarrior 25,WarriorMaster 40,InternArcher 41,Archer 42,EagleArcher 43,TigerArcher 44,DragonArcher 45,ArcherMaster 100,InternTaoist 101,Taoist 132,WaterTaoist 133,WaterWizard 134,WaterMaster 135,WaterSaint 142,FireTaoist 143,FireWizard 145, FireMaster
[ملحوظة]:- معلش يا جماعة لازم انجليزى لان اللى هيعمل السيرفر وهوا مش بيعرف أنجليزى هتقابله مشاكل لا تحصى انا أسف مرة تانية أى مشكلة انا فى الخدمة ان شاء الله لكم منى أجمل تحية أخوكم ~~**||المنســـــى ||**~~
عدل سابقا من قبل آلمًًنْْسـِِّadminـِّـى في الأربعاء 17 يونيو - 18:01:53 عدل 1 مرات | |